Under 11
Sun 03 Feb 2013
Market Harborough RUFC
Under 11
Sutton Coldfield and Long Buckby
Destroyers and Phoenix blow the cobwebs away

Destroyers and Phoenix blow the cobwebs away

Becky Pope4 Feb 2013 - 21:58
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After an enforced break due to the snow Harborough Destroyers and Phoenix were hungry and ready to face the pronged challenge from Sutton Coldfield and Long Buckby.

First up were Sutton Coldfield who were immediately on the back foot after a sparkling individual try from ROWAN MOORE. Ferocious tackling from CIARAN BARROW and SAM CHAPMAN built a platform for Moore to double Harborough's lead after an incisive pass from JOE COOPER. Although Sutton Coldfield restored parity with two quick fire tries the Destroyers regained the lead with the try of the game with every member of the team touching the ball before GEORGE SUMMERS slipped the crucial pass for Moore to claim his hat-trick going over in the corner. The Destroyers were showing no signs of a hangover from the enforced break and were now firmly into their stride with DAN POPE dictating the game spraying passes left and right and an opportunist try from HENRY PHILLIPS making it 4 -2. Great defending from FERGUS HYNARD and RAFF ELLIS kept Sutton Coldfield at bay allowing man of the match ROWAN MOORE to add two further tries to give the Destroyers a comfortable victory by a 6-2 margin.

If the match against Sutton was comfortable the second fixture against Long Buckby was a different affair. Stung into action by a crushing defeat by the Harborough Phoenix and in a see saw game Long Buckby raced into a two try lead. Rocked back on their heels the Destroyers roused themselves with a superb individual try from FERGUS HYNARD who was set up after a crunching tackle from SAM CHAPMAN had gained possession. The irrepressible ROWAN MOORE tied the game up at 2-2 before Long Buckby regained the advantage with a third try. The half time break allowed coach Leat to gather his troops and after the break DAN POPE was instrumental in allowing the Destroyers to take control supported by tough tackling from Ellis, Phillips Barrow and Chapman. The match then swung Harborough's way after two tries from Joe Cooper - the first after breaking through two tackles to touch down followed by an individual try in the corner. But on this occasion Long Buckby were not to be denied and as the Destroyers retreated they equalised and then found a winning try to come out on top in a tough game which neither side deserved to lose.


The Harborough Under 9 Phoenix team welcomed Long Buckby and Sutton Coldfield to a very wind swept and cold Market Harborough Rugby Club but the majority were enthusiastic after such a long enforced lay-off due to the recent bad weather.

Game 1
Phoenix against Long Buckby
The game opened with a try from Callum Leat followed quickly by turn over ball and a runaway try from Max Pollard. The Phoenix team were gelling well after the lay-off but conceded a try through less than efficient tackling. Next play saw the famous Olly Rodgers “Snake hips” in action as he intercepted a long pass and scored in the right hand corner. At 3 – 1 up the team grow in confidence both in defence and attack leading to a flurry of tries and turnover ball.
Tries came from
Ben Marlow – the now legendary charge from the pass-back (x2)
Finn Carnduff from a great offload by Max Pollard and a classic – at speed down the wing
Charlie Dean form the centre of the field
Josh Manz who has developed a wicked side step off the right wing!
Alex Laurenti (Second half substitution)
Callum Leat to bag his second of the game
Olly Rodgers on the wing following a great pass from Alex Laurenti

Long Buckby scored a further try in the second half but the Harborough team were the clear winners! Final Score 15 – 2

Game 2
Phoenix against Sutton Coldfield
The team left off were they had finished against Long Buckby. The forward play was immensely strong but the tackling even more ferocious, pushing Sutton back from their own pass back. Sutton were just having to hold on in their own half. The tries came thick and fast throughout the passage of play. The highlight of some extraordinary play was a crafted pass from Lewis Mackie releasing Josh Manz over the line. Wonderful team work.
The final score 12 – 0 to the Harborough Phoenix with tries scored by
Max Pollard – 3 (Great assist from Charlie Dean)
Finn Carnduff – 1
Alex Laurenti – 2
Josh Manz – 4 (Great assists to score from Max Pollard, Olly Rodgers, Lewis Mackie)
Ben Marlow – 1
Charlie Dean – 1 (Delightful sidestep inside)

Congratulations to the teams on a great mornings work - Fun had by all!

Match details

Match date

Sun 03 Feb 2013


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Main Club Sponsor - Joules Ltd