Under 11
Sun 16 Mar 2014
Market Harborough RUFC
Under 11
U10 Phoenix rise but not quite fly against festival opposition

U10 Phoenix rise but not quite fly against festival opposition

Becky Pope21 Mar 2014 - 15:04
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Harborough Phoenix certainly lived up to their name on Sunday at the Market Harborough Festival.

Harborough Phoenix certainly lived up to their name on Sunday at the Market Harborough Festival.
A slow start against a strong Olney side saw Phoenix come off second best without troubling the home score keeper. But from the ashes, a morning and early afternoon of earnest and competitive rugby ensued. Rushden were defeated 4-0 even though the opposition managed, in all innocence, to field one player too many for the second half. Third up was Barkers Butts and a super game of rugby. Phoenix led 1-0 at half time and even though Barkers rallied, Phoenix went into the final minute leading 2-1. Victory however was denied when Barkers scored a long range try with the final play of the game. The final opponents of the day were ON and despite playing well Phoenix some how contrived to leak three first half tries. A rallying call at half time that the game could still be won was heeded and Phoenix sharpened up and six minutes later found themselves just being pipped 4-3.

Well done to all in the squad.

Ethan H, George S, Dylan, JJ, James G, Jake T, Sam C, Josiah, Harry.

Match details

Match date

Sun 16 Mar 2014


Team overview
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Team Sponsors

Main Club Sponsor - Joules Ltd